Zatch Bell! Electric Arena (TimeMage)
Format: Advance
Genre: 2d Fighter
Developer: Eighting
Publisher: Bandai

Iron Man Folgore! Invincible Folgore! Brave and Strong Folgore! He always wins the day! Ahhh nostalgia. This game is a fighting game based on the hit series "Zatch Bell!" which was all over cartoon network. Sadly much like the run it had on there, this game feels rather unfinished and rather lacking in it's fullness factor. Despite that, the game itself is pretty simple with a unique twist. You control both human and mamodo in this game. The L button temporarily splits you up based off the meter on the bottom, but that same meter is used for specials, so it should be used strategically. You fight as one so when you use an attack on the human you control, your little midget man also uses an attack. The controls are simple, you have double jump with A, can attack with B, and hold down to defend. Directionals can change the nature of your attack, and combination of buttons alongside R to use specials can unleash a stringent variety of attacks. It's not quite as many as real fighting games, but this game was built to sell to the audience at the time and it shows. The story follows a sort of -reminiscence- of the anime story as viewed by Zatch's memories. 7 fights overall, a minigame, and some basic plot. Each character team has at least 3 specials and 1 super, however Zatch's super is locked behind an unlock supposedly. I may have also just not figured out how to do it. After you beat the game, you unlock various other modes like 'challenge' and 'survival'. All of this serves to unlock collectables in the Zatch Collection. Mostly this game was built to be a nostalgia trip, and it does a fairly good job at that.

All in All, This game's score is beefy because it doesn't have any horrendous glitches and the gameplay is actually fairly enjoyable. It's not a big beefy fighting game like tekken or street fighter, but a 1 button mashfest, which is it's biggest downfall. Lack of options and the short story mode bring this game down. It would have gotten above a 9 if they doubled the story, which they had plenty of source material to do. Kolulu is a pain.

TimeMage's verdict: